HAMCO117A Digital Flocculator 4 JAR

HAMCO Digital Flocculator has been specially designed for use in water treatment plant as jar test apparatus to correctly estimate the dosing of alum and such other coagulants for treatment of water & sewage. It provides identical test condition for all samples. It is suitable for continuous run in any busy laboratory to determine sulphate concentration & for measuring suspended matter and colloids general.

HAMCO Flocculator consist of electronically controlled variable speed electronic motor .Speed controllers is provided to control the stirrers from 5 to 150 RPM. Stainless steel stirring paddles are provided.

Each stirring shaft can be removed without disturbing other stirrers. Illuminator base consist of fluorescent tube mounted below translucent acrylic sheet to provide diffused cold light through floc samples.



SPEED : Variable from 5 to 150 RPM with accuracy of +/- 1 RPM.

CONTROL PANEL : Digital display for speed, Speed regulator , illumination switch and Main switch.

JAR : 1000ml X 6 No. (AT EXTRA COST)

PADDLES : Stirring Paddles made of S.S. – 6 Nos.

ILLUMINATION : Floroscent Lamps.

DIMENSION : 980 mm X 260 mm X 560mm ( WXDXH )


HAMCO117B Digital Flocculator 6 JAR

HAMCO Digital Flocculator has been specially designed for use in water treatment plant as jar test apparatus to correctly estimate the dosing of alum and such other coagulants for treatment of water & sewage. It provides identical test condition for all samples. It is suitable for continuous run in any busy laboratory to determine sulphate concentration & for measuring suspended matter and colloids general.

HAMCO Flocculator consist of electronically controlled variable speed electronic motor . Speed controllers is provided to control the stirrers from 5 to 150 RPM. Stainless steel stirring paddles are provided.

Each stirring shaft can be removed without disturbing other stirrers. Illuminator base consist of fluorescent tube mounted below translucent acrylic sheet to provide diffused cold light through floc samples.


SPEED : Variable from 5 to 150 RPM with accuracy of +/- 1 RPM.

CONTROL PANEL : Digital display for speed, Speed regulator, illumination switch and Main switch.

JAR : 1000ml X 6 No. (AT EXTRA COST)

PADDLES : Stirring Paddles made of S.S. – 6 Nos.

ILLUMINATION : Floroscent Lamps.

DIMENSION : 980 mm X 260 mm X 560mm ( WXDXH )


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